BridgeSwap Trade: Instantly swap crypto tokens: no registration or account needed


BridgeSwap is an Automated Market Maker (AMM) exchange that offers several features that support decentralized trading;

1. Trade

BridgeSwap lets users trade without the need to go through a Centralized Exchange. Everything you do on BridgeSwap is routed directly through your own wallet — no need to trust someone else with your coins!

2. Liquidity Pools

When you add your token to a Liquidity Pool you will receive Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and share in the fees.

Providing liquidity will get you LP Tokens, which will earn you rewards in the form of trading fees for making sure there’s always liquidity for the exchange to use

Token Trade

Token Trade on BridgeSwap are a simple way to trade one BEP-20 token for another BEP-20 via automated liquidity pools.

When you make a token swap (trade) on the exchange you will pay a 0.3% trading fee, which is broken down as follows:

0.25% — Returned to Liquidity Pools in the form of a fee reward for liquidity providers.

0.005% — Sent towards BRIS buyback and burn.

0.01% — Sent to the Insurance Emergency Funds Wallet.

0.035% — Sent to BridgeSwap Treasury.

Liquidity Pools

When you add your token to a Liquidity Pool you will receive Liquidity Provider (LP) tokens and share in the fees.

LP Tokens

As an example, if you deposited BRIS and BNB into a Liquidity Pool, you’d receive BRIS-BNB LP tokens.

The number of LP tokens you receive represents your portion of the BRIS-BNB Liquidity Pool.

You can also redeem your funds at any time by removing your liquidity.

Liquidity Providers earn trading fees

Providing Liquidity gives you a reward in the form of trading fees when people use your liquidity pool.

Whenever someone trades on BridgeSwap, the trader pays a 0.3% fee, of which 0.2% is added to the Liquidity Pool of the swap pair they traded on.

For example:

· There are 10 LP tokens representing 10 BRIS and 10 BNB tokens.

· 1 LP token = 1 BRIS + 1 BNB

· Someone trades 10 BRIS for 10 BNB.

· Someone else trades 10 BNB for 10 BRIS.

· The BRIS/BNB liquidity pool now has 10.02 BRIS and 10.02 BNB.

· Each LP token is now worth 1.0002 BRIS + 1.0002 BNB.

To make being a liquidity provider even more worth, you can also put your LP tokens to work whipping up some fresh yield on the BRIS Farms, while still earning your 0.2% trading fee reward.


BridgeSwap Farms: Provide liquidity to earn $BRIS, with higher APR.

Farms allow users to earn BRIS while supporting BridgeSwap by staking LP Tokens.

BrigeSwap Farms is a place where you can stake your LP tokens in order to generate high returns in the form of BRIS token. The number of returns will be calculated by the annual percentage rate (APR). The APR of each farm will be different and fluctuate due to the size of the pool. You can choose any farm you like to start farming now.


BridgeSwap Pools: Stake tokens, earn passive income with crypto.

Stake BRIS, earn free tokens. as simple as that..

Pools to choose from: Auto-compounding and Manual.

Read on to learn more!

What’s the difference between the “Auto BRIS Pool” and “Manual BRIS Pool” ? With both pools, you can simply stake your BRIS tokens to earn more BRIS tokens. But there are some differences:

1. Manual BRIS

· You need to harvest or compound (reinvest) your BRIS by yourself. That means returning to the site, tapping buttons, and using a bit of BNB for transaction fees.

· Interest is displayed as APR, which doesn’t include compounding.

Referral Program

Share the referral link, invite your friends and earn 10% of your friends’ yields FOREVER!

BridgeSwap Referral is a unique On-chain referral program that lets users earn $BRIS without depositing any tokens. You just have to refer other Users to stake in Farms and Pools and you will start earning 10% of $BRIS yields they receive forever !

Just follow these simple steps:

1. 1.

Visit BridgeSwap Referral program page: https://bridgeswap/refer .

2. 2.

Connect your wallet to get your unique referral link.

3. 3.

Share your referral link with your friends, family, workmate to start using BridgeSwap’s Farm & Pool.

4. 4.

Start earning automatically $BRIS in your wallet as reward whenever the referred Users harvests/withdraws from BridgeSwap’s Farms & Pools.

With our Bridgeswap referral system, we want you to benefit from joining our community.


There’s currently no maximum supply of BRIS token, making it an inflationary token‌.

Basic Information:

· Token Name : BridgeSwap

· Token Symbol : BRIS

· Contract Address:

· Chain : BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

Earn $BRIS tokens from Farms and Pools, win it in the lottery, or buy it on the exchange, then explore its Use Cases:

1. 1.

Stake it in Pools to earn free crypto tokens .

2. 2.

Use it in Yield Farms to earn more BRIS .

3. 3.

Buy Lottery tickets in The BridgeSwap Lottery .

4. 4.

Vote on proposals relating to the BRIS DAO Governance

But that’s not all — there’s much more Use cases to come for BRIS holders in the future !

Initial Supply : 2,200,000

Initial Allocation:

· 50% Burn Mechanism ~ We have sent 50% of the initial total supply tokens to the Dead address, this has been done to decrease the initial supply that was planned to be released into the circulation and also have low Market Cap at Launch🚀

· 18% Crowdsale ~ 40% at TGE 10% unlocked linearly in 6 months.

· 5% Team ~ 3 years Cliff and 5% monthly for 2 years.

· 10% Liquidity ~ Locked for 3 years.

· 7% Marketing ~ will be used for partnership with ecological construction, including marketing, promotional activities, 3 months Cliff and 10% unlocked linearly in 10 months.

· 10% Defi 2.0 Zap Event ~ 30% unlocked linearly in 2 years.

Token Information

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Author :
BTT Username: Jeromepoling
Wallet: 0x805C8089ef71E8d7f2Cc21B089548B9103742797


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