Squidworld.io is a vehicle

 Marketing Strategy and Why The SquidWorld Name

Squidworld.io is a vehicle. It is designed for you – our Squid Game fan! Launching SquidWorld (SQW) tokens now will allow us to build upon the current phenomenon that is Netflix TV Series Squid Game 2. With your help and support, we will poise to become the go to meme portal for all Squid related utilities. We are investors like yourself. We have seen many times, endless teams irrespective of what they have done before, starting a project, making grand promises only to fall victim to personal greed and/or undermined by internal team tensions and dynamics. We don’t want to be just another Squid degen meme site! We will be your Squid Game Community token. Your support and trust are the key ingredients to make this project a success and a household name! We are in discussions with a number of well-known marketing firms to enable the exposure we are looking for however just like any other start-ups, costs and value for money are normally part of the growing pains. This is why quite a bit of private funds have been injected into getting things to happen behind the scenes. 

No more empty promises! As a loyal SquidWorld investor, you will have: DApp and Swap with SQW tokens staking and LP farming will be ready at Launch so our investors can start earning generous rewards at the onset. SquidGame theme mini P2E game is in its final phase of development. We plan to have this out as soon as practical however this is not the end! Portal means exactly just that. As we progress, we plan to bring out a suite of P2E casino style games that will appeal to everyone’s taste. Think of Blackjack, Roulette, Poker games with ultimate prize pools and more Lottery DApp is also currently under development and will go live as soon as proper testing and auditing are completed. SQW tokens are needed to buy-in to play with contributions going towards final Jackpot Pool and a portion send to be burnt thus reducing the total supply. The Team is still considering if a co-contrition of tokens to towards the Burn Wallet is warranted given that the base contract already has an automatic built in 1% contribution. NFT Squid Game theme meme collection with minting, staking and marketplace is also on the table. The concept behind this strategy is to expose SquidWorld to the rapidly expanding and yet lucrative space. SQW tokens and stable coins are needed to secure participation. NFT Design Team is being recruited and initial concept discussion with our Core Team is underway. We want you to make money! SquidWorld Island Metaverse Game is the ultimate adventure game that will form part of our First Chapter in this token lifecycle. Yes, we have more plans! The concept behind the Game is to provide our investors with a SquidGame theme adventure game with in-game rewards and purchases leading up to the ultimate Grand Finale Prize Pool of 3% of total tokens supply. This can be quite a taking especially if we hit the marketcap we are envisaging when the time comes! A new SquidWorld Island website will be built to facilitate this. Build It and They Will Come! This is our motto. With your support and loyalty, we stand to take advantage of the upcoming SquidGame Netflix TV Series movement that will catapult us to where we want to be – The one and only Portal for all Squid related utilities with real values for our investors!

Max Wallet is set at 3% and Max Transaction is at 0.5%: This function also allows the Team to vary the percentage in order to manage market conditions and bring benefits to our loyal investors. It acts as a deterrent and reward in an ever-changing market condition. Internal Tax and is set to 0% but has the Max option up to 10%: The reasoning behind this function is to allow the Core Team to reward or penalise those who support or abuse the system respectively. Airdrops Function: Provides the Core Team with the ability for promote and reward holders and investors with free tokens that are going to be allocated to the Marketing Wallet 17% allocated to Staking Contract/Wallet. Rewards will be in SQW Tokens 16.3% allocated to Liquidity Pool (lock for 183 days) 4.4% allocated to Private Sale (inclusive of 10% bonus) 2.3% allocated to Partnerships (these will be vested) 30% allocated to Pinksale Presale 10% allocated to future CEX Listing Funds (we need tokens for listings) 5% allocated to Marketing (community giveaways, airdrops, social media hypes) 5% allocated to Prize Wallet (with 3% for SquidWorld Island Grand Finale Prize & the balance of 2% plus 1% on reflection for lottery and games) 6% allocate to Team Wallet (this will be vested for 3 months) 4% allocated to Development Wallet as incentive to onboard future talents 

Tokenomics Token Name: SquidWorld Token Symbol: SQW Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 (One Quadrillion) Decimals: 9 decimal points Chain: BSC Chain 1% Burn wallet 2% Reflection to Holders 1% Prize Wallet 1% Team Wallet 2% Liquidity 3% Marketing Tax Breakdown: 10% Buy and Sell For those of you who are interested in the technicality and wish to delve deeper into the smart contract design, please read on, otherwise please skip to the next section. The base Smart Contract is not Renounced: This is because we have so many plans for SquidWorld.io. Renouncing the smart contract at the onset would be counterproductive and restricts our ability as a Core Team to realise our goals and bring values to your investments. The contract has a “Renounced” function to allow us to do this down the road fi/when it is warranted. 10% Buy and Sell Tax will be our standard Tax for SquidWorld: For the sake of transparency, there is an inbuilt function that will allow the Team to vary this percentage up to 10% for Buy and 20% for Sell (or combined Total of 30% Max Tax). The justification behind this function is to enable to manage the market if it is necessary in terms of bots and day traders whose interests are in quick gains. For example, the Team can reduce the Buy Tax to minimal to encourage Buys pressure OR increase the Sell Tax (max 20%) to deter bots and/or whales crashing the chart. We do not have any other ulterior motives behind this set up. The Community will be advised before any changes take place.

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BTT Username: Jeromepoling


Wallet: 0x805C8089ef71E8d7f2Cc21B089548B9103742797


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